public class Stack分析:栈的继承关系很简单,就是继承了Vector,那么我们可以猜测栈操作大部分应该是线程安全的。extends Vector
/** * Creates an empty Stack. */ public Stack() { }
/** * Pushes an item onto the top of this stack. This has exactly * the same effect as: *分析:往栈里压入一个元素用push方法,每次往栈的顶部压入元素。addElement()是抽象父类vector方法,我们在vector里已经分析过。从这里我们可以知道,栈的底层数组结构也是数组。* * @param item the item to be pushed onto this stack. * @return the* addElement(item)item
argument. * @see java.util.Vector#addElement */ public E push(E item) { //调用父类vector的addElement()方法 addElement(item); return item; }
/** * Removes the object at the top of this stack and returns that * object as the value of this function. * * @return The object at the top of this stack (the last item * of the Vector object). * @throws EmptyStackException if this stack is empty. */ public synchronized E pop() { E obj; //栈的长度 int len = size(); //栈顶部的元素值(也就是数组最后一个元素值) obj = peek(); //栈元素减1 removeElementAt(len - 1); //返回顶部元素 return obj; }分析:删除栈顶部的对象,并将该对象作为函数值返回
这里我们继续看下removeElementAt()方法, peik()方法单独讲
/** * Deletes the component at the specified index. Each component in * this vector with an index greater or equal to the specified * { @code index} is shifted downward to have an index one * smaller than the value it had previously. The size of this vector * is decreased by { @code 1}. * *分析:传进来len -1,栈顶部元素下标,即数组最后一个元素位置。The index must be a value greater than or equal to {
@code 0} * and less than the current size of the vector. * *This method is identical in functionality to the {
@link #remove(int)} * method (which is part of the { @link List} interface). Note that the * { @code remove} method returns the old value that was stored at the * specified position. * * @param index the index of the object to remove * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range * ({ @code index < 0 || index >= size()}) */ public synchronized void removeElementAt(int index) { //修改次数加1 modCount++; //校验是否越界 if (index >= elementCount) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index + " >= " + elementCount); } else if (index < 0) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index); } //数组需要移动的个数 int j = elementCount - index - 1; if (j > 0) { //从index + 1位置开始,向左移动一个位置,移动的个数为j System.arraycopy(elementData, index + 1, elementData, index, j); } //数组实际元素减1 elementCount--; //数组最后一个元素置为null,等待gc回收 elementData[elementCount] = null; /* to let gc do its work */ }
/** * Looks at the object at the top of this stack without removing it * from the stack. * * @return the object at the top of this stack (the last item * of the Vector object). * @throws EmptyStackException if this stack is empty. */ public synchronized E peek() { int len = size(); if (len == 0) throw new EmptyStackException(); //根据索引从数组里取值,elementAt是调用父类Vector的方法 return elementAt(len - 1); }分析:栈的peek()方法,其实就是返回栈顶部的元素值,即数组末尾元素值。
peek()方法只是返回下标的值,但并不删除该元素,删除是通过上面的 removeElementAt()方法。
/** * Returns the component at the specified index. * *分析:这个方法就是根据下标,返回数组的值而已,没啥好分析的。This method is identical in functionality to the {
@link #get(int)} * method (which is part of the { @link List} interface). * * @param index an index into this vector * @return the component at the specified index * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of range * ({ @code index < 0 || index >= size()}) */ public synchronized E elementAt(int index) { if (index >= elementCount) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index + " >= " + elementCount); } return elementData(index); }